we have respectfully and gently edited some of the works by Thich Nhat Hanh and other dharma teachers (lay and monastic) in the Plum Village Tradition in a way that does not alter the intended meaning, but makes them more inclusive and accessible to more people
(because we liked this quote:)
“In Christianity it is said that God created everything… Because I have been practicing as a Buddhist I know that between creator and created there must be some kind of link, otherwise creation would not be possible. So the chrysanthemum can say that God is a flower, and I agree, because there must be the element “flower” in God so that the flower can become a reality… So when a lesbian thinks of her relationship with God, if she practices deeply, she can find out that God is also a lesbian. Otherwise how could you be there? God is a lesbian, that is what I think, and God is gay also. God is a lesbian, but also a gay person, a black person, a white person, a chrysanthemum.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
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